Friday 9 March 2007

Lyme Bay, Eype

Eype, access steps to beach. looking east.

Eype is a tiny village just to the west of Bridport. West Bay Pier can be seen in the distance in the photograph above. Turn off the A35 at the picnic area and take the narrow windy lane signposted Lower Eype. Parking is in a field at the end of the lane. In winter this field is closed and there is no parking anywhere close to the venue. In front of the access steps to the beach there is fairly clean ground, out to the west there is more broken ground where dogfish are more commonly caught along with wrasse and bass. Rays are caught on the cleaner ground along with other species.

Eype, looking west.

There are no facilities at the beach, there is a pub back in the village or a burger bar and cafe by the picnic area back at the main road, there are also toilet facilities. The beach is safe for children but the access steps are steep and could be a problem for less mobile anglers.


  1. Eype is West of Bridport, not east!

  2. whoops ! thanks for reminding me, now changed.

  3. I took my six year old on her first fishing trip here a couple of weeks back whilst we stayed in the campsite near by. First cast (after practice in the afternoon in a field!) and she pulled in a lovely mackeral. Me too. If it hadn't been for the wife making birds nest soup every other cast we could have bagged a fair few mackeral as they seemed to be very prevelant here. Can't wait wait to go back with my proper rods next time as we just using cheap fladen rods for a bit of fun. The walk up the hill back is a bit steep but great spot.

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