Friday 9 March 2007

Lyme Bay, Seatown.

Seatown, looking east.

Not to be confused with the bigger place of Seaton which is further west, Seatown is reached by taking a narrow lane from the village of Chideock* on the A35 east of Bridport. The popularity of this beach as a fishing spot could be influenced by the pub next to the car park. There are public toilets by the car turning area next to the beach. In the winter months parking is free at the roadside. Like other beaches along this bit of coast, the ground in front is fairly clean with more broken ground out to either side. Out to the right is favourite for rough ground fishing.

Seatown, looking west.

Bass and small eyed rays are regularly caught along this beach, a whole sandeel is just a snack to either of these species. Dogfish and pouting are always present.

* for the 'sadder' people reading this, CHIDEOCK is the only village name in England that, when written in upper case letters reads the same if the paper is turned upside down, reversed and read from the back...... not a lot of people know that.

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